Up ニダーナ・カター Nidānakathā 作成: 2021-10-23
更新: 2021-10-23

      The Middle Epoch – 173,174
    The earthenware pot given him by the deva Ghaṭikāra, which had never till then left him, disappeared at that moment.
    Not seeing his pot, the Bodhisatta stretched out his right hand, and took the water.
    Sujātā placed the vessel, with the milk-rice in it, in the hand of the Great Being.
    The Great Being looked at her.
    Pointing to the food, she said, “O, my lord! accept what I have offered thee, and depart whithersoever seemeth to thee good.”
    And adding, “May there arise to thee as much joy as has come to me!” she went away, valuing her golden vessel, worth a hundred thousand, at no more than a dried leaf.
    But the Bodhisatta rising from his seat, and leaving the tree on the right hand, took the vessel and went to the bank of the Nerañjarā river, down into which on the day of their complete Enlightenment so many thousand Bodhisattas had gone.
    The name of that bathing place is the Supatiṭṭhita ferry.
    Putting the vessel on the bank, he descended into the river and bathed.