Up Padhana Sutta 作成: 2021-10-15
更新: 2021-10-15

Taṁ maṁ padhāna,pahitattaṁ
nadiṁ nerañjaraṁ pati
viparakkamma jhāyantaṁ
yoga-k, khemassa pattiyā
Resolute was I, in the striving,
on the Nerañjarā bank,
meditating with all my strength
for attaining the safety from the yoke
Nerañjarā 河の(ほとり)にあって,

    The (Sutta Nipāta) Discourse on the Striving (Sn 3.2/425-449) M RA’S PLEAS [74] 1 Taṁ105 maṁ106 padhāna,pahitattaṁ107 Resolute was I, in the striving, nadiṁ nerañjaraṁ pati108 on the Nerañjarā bank, viparakkamma jhāyantaṁ meditating109 with all my strength yoga-k,khemassa110 pattiyā (425) for attaining the safety from the yoke. 2 Na,mucī111 karuṇaṁ vācaṁ With compassionate words, Namuci [No-release] bhāsamāno upāgami approached me, saying: kiso tvam asi dubbaṇṇo “So thin are you, off colour are you; santike maraṇaṁ tava112 (426) in death’s presence are you! M RA AND MERITS 3 Sahassa,bhāgo maraṇassa113 A thousand parts of you belong to death,114 ekaṁso tava jīvitaṁ115 only one part of you is life. jīva116 bho117 jīvitaṁ seyyo Live, sir! Life is better— jīvaṁ puññāni kāhasi (427) living, you will make merits.118 [75] 4 Carato ca te brahmacariya119 Live the holy life aggi,huttañ ca jūhato120 and offer the fire sacrifice. pahūtaṁ cīyate puññaṁ Heap up abundant merits! kiṁ padhānena kāhasi (428) What is there with striving? 5 Duggo maggo padhānāya121 Striving is a difficult path, dukkaro durabhisambhavo122 hard to do, hard to accomplish,” imā gāthā bhaṇaṁ māro having said these verses, Māra aṭṭhā buddhassa santike123 (429) stood near the Buddha. FREEDOM FROM MERITS 6 Taṁ tathā,vādinaṁ māraṁ To Māra, who had spoken thus, bhagavā etad abravi124 the Blessed One said this: pamatta,bandhu pāpima “Bad one, kinsman of the negligent! yen’atthena125 idhâgato (430) You’ve come here with your own wiles!126 7 Aṇumattena’pi127 puññena Not even an iota of merit attho mayhaṁ na vijjati is there any need for me!128 yesañ ca attho puññena129 But to those desiring merit, te māro vattum arahati130 (431) you, Māra, are worthy of speaking to them. THE 5 FACULTIES 8 Atthi saddhā tathā131 viriyaṁ132 There is faith, likewise effort,133 paññā ca mama vijjati and wisdom, too, is found in me! evaṁ maṁ pahitattam pi Thus am I resolute— kiṁ jīvam anupucchasi (432) why do you ask me about life? 9 Nadīnam api sotāni This wind would dry up b ayaṁ vāto visosaye even the flowing streams. a kiñ ca me pahitattassa Why should blood not dry up134 d lohitaṁ n’upasussaye (433) when I’m resolute (in striving)? c 10 Lohite sussamānamhi When blood is drying up, pittaṁ semhañ ca sussati bile and phlegm dry up, too. maṁsesu khīyamānesu When the flesh is wasting away , bhiyyo cittaṁ pasīdati all the more the mind brightens up with faith, bhiyyo sati ca paññā ca all the more my mindfulness and wisdom, samādhi mama tiṭṭhati (434) and samadhi stands. 11 Tassa m’evaṁ viharato While I dwell in this way, pattass’uttama,vedanaṁ having attained the highest feeling, kāmesu135 nâpekhate cittaṁ the mind sees no sensual pleasure— passa sattassa suddhataṁ136 (435) see the purity of a being! [76] M RA AND HIS ARMY 12 Kāmā te paṭhamā senā Sensual pleasures are your first army; dutiyā137 arati vuccati discontent138 is your second called. tatiyā khup,pipāsā te Your third is hunger-and-thirst; catutthī taṇhā pavuccati139 (436) 140 the fourth is craving called. 13 Pañcamaṁ141 thīna,middhaṁ142 te Your fifth is sloth-and-torpor. chaṭṭhā bhīrū143 pavuccati The sixth is called fear. sattamī vicikicchā te Your seventh is doubt. makkho thambho te aṭṭhamo (437) Hypocrisy and obstinacy are your eighth. 14 Lābho siloko sakkāro144 Gain, repute, honour, micchā,laddho ca yo yaso and ill-gotten fame, yo c’attānaṁ samukkaṁse145 and whoever exalts himself pare ca avajānati146 (438) but belittles others— 15 Esā na,muci te senā that, Na,muci, is your army— kaṇhassâbhippahārinī147 the strike-force of the Dark One [Kaṇha]. na naṁ asūro jināti Who is not a hero [Jina] cannot conquer it, jetvā ca labhate sukhaṁ (439)148 but, having conquered it, he wins happiness. THE HERO’S STRUGGLE 16 Esa muñjaṁ parihare149 This muñja-grass I wear: dhi-r-atthu150 mama151 jīvitaṁ152 shame on my life! saṅgāme me mataṁ seyyo Better is my death in battle yañ ce153 jīve parājito (440) than if I were to live defeated. 17 Pagāḷh’ettha154 na dissanti155 Some recluses or brahmins, b eke samaṇa,brāhmaṇā having plunged here, are not seen. a tañ ca maggaṁ na jānanti For, they know not the path yena gacchanti subbatā (441) which those of true practice go. THE HERO’S VICTORY 18 Samantā dhajiniṁ disvā156 Seeing an army arrayed all around, yuttaṁ māraṁ sa,vāhanaṁ157 Marā, armed, on his war-mount, yuddhāya paccugacchāmi158 I will go forth into battle— mā maṁ ṭhānā acāvayi (442) Let him not shake me from my place! 19 Yaṁ te taṁ na-p,pasahati That which cannot be conquered senaṁ loko sadevako by an army of the world with its devas— [77] taṁ te paññāya bhecchāmi159 that army of yours I shall break up with wisdom, āmaṁ pattaṁ’va asmanā160 (443) like a stone breaks an unbaked pot. 20 Vasīkaritvā161 saṅkappaṁ Having subdued my thoughts, satin ca suppatiṭṭhitaṁ162 and well established mindfulness, raṭṭhā raṭṭhaṁ vicarissaṁ I will wander from country to country,163 sāvake vinayaṁ puthū (444) guiding a multitude of disciples. 21 Te appamattā pahitattā164 They, the diligent, the resolute, mama sāsana,kārakā. doers of my teaching— akāmassa165 te gamissanti they will go against your desire, yattha gantvā na socare166 (445) having gone where they sorrow not.” M RA’S VERSES OF DEJECTION167 (Māra:)168 22 Satta vassāni bhagavantaṁ169 “For seven years, I pursued the Blessed One, anubandhiṁ padā padaṁ following him step for step. otāraṁ nâdhigacchissaṁ170 No opening [No weakness] did I find sambuddhassa satīmato171 (446) in the fully self-awakened one, the mindful. 23172 Meda,vaṇṇaṁ’va173 pāsāṇaṁ A crow circled a stone b vāyaso anupariyagā174 that looked like a piece of fat, thinking: a ap’ettha muduṁ175 vindema ‘Perhaps we shall find something tender here! api assādanā siyā (447) Perhaps, even something tasty!’ 24 Aladdhā tattha assādaṁ Not getting anything tasty there, vāyas’etto176 apakkami177 the bird flew off from there. kāko’va selam āsajja178 Just as the crow assailed the stone, nibbijjā’pema gotamaṁ179 (448) disgusted, we180 leave Gotama!” M RA’S VEENA [78] 25181 Tassa soka,paretassa The veena fell from his armpit b vīṇā kacchā abhassatha182 of that one overcome by grief. a tato so dummano yakkho Then, that disheartened yaksha tatth’ev’antaradhāyathâti183 (449) disappeared right there and then.

  • 参考Webサイト
  • 参考文献
    • 中村元
      • 『ブッダのことば スッタニパータ』(ワイド版岩波文庫 7), 岩波書店, 1991.
      • 『ブッダ入門』, 春秋社 2011
      • 『原始仏典』, 筑摩書房, 1974.