It is basically a personal freedom whether to participate to the current flow of the "Informationalization" or not. But here is a problem of one's responsibilty, as a member of the society/community. We cannot do such things as make against the advantage of the community we belong to.
If the community is a business enterprise, "advantage/disadvantage" is rather clear in the form of "business showings". Thus there would not be much room for wavering in one's judgement what stance to take toward the Internet.
It is same for private schools, because they are business enterprises.
It is also same for those schools which owe social responsibilities in the forms of "college-preparatory schools" or "special/professional schools", because they are those which are expected "business showings".
It is the case of the general public schools where the situation looks complicated.
What is "the community we belong to" in the saying "we cannot do such things as make against the advantage of the community we belong to". And what is "the advantage".
There seems to be as many types of thinking as types of viewing life/world.
But, although we should admit the variety of personalities, we cannot accept the diversity of teachers' instructional stances to the Internet.
Why ?
Because children cannot choose their teachers once they enter a school.
So how should this problem be soluted ?
This is the matter of the party concerned, that is, the teachers :-)
But this should be remarked: Making decision is one thing, and whether the decision has effects on the general public (the Time) or not is another.
A selfish decision is simply bypassed by the Time.
(Cf. "Revolusion of Delivery System")