Up 風力発電のコスト : 要旨 作成: 2023-07-11
更新: 2023-07-11

    A utility-scale wind turbine costs between $1.3 million and $2.2 million per MW of nameplate capacity installed. Most commercial-scale turbines installed today have a capacity of 2 MW and cost between $3 and $4 million to install. The total cost of installing a commercial-scale wind turbine will vary significantly depending on the number of turbines ordered, construction contracts, the project's location, and other factors. 本体費用 A utility-scale wind turbine costs between $1.3 million and $2.2 million per MW of nameplate capacity installed. Most commercial-scale turbines installed today have a capacity of 2 MW and cost between $3 and $4 million to install. The total cost of installing a commercial-scale wind turbine will vary significantly depending on the number of turbines ordered, construction contracts, the project's location, and other factors. 関連費用 Other costs associated with wind projects include:
  • Wind resource assessment and site analysis.
  • Construction costs.
  • Permitting and interconnection studies.
  • Utility system upgrades, transformers, protection, and metering equipment.
  • Insurance.
  • Wind turbine's operations, warranty, maintenance, and repair.
  • Legal and consultation fees. Taxes and incentives are two other factors that will have an impact on the economics of your project. 故障費用 Below is the breakdown of the initial wind turbine cost:
  • A commercial wind turbine of average size costs between $2.6 and $4 million.
  • The average electricity-producing capacity cost per megawatt (MW) is $1.3 million.
  • Most commercial wind turbines have 2-3 MW capacities, but offshore turbines can have up to 12 MW capacities.
  • The cost rises with turbine size, though there are advantages to using fewer, larger turbines. With fewer and larger turbines, the overall complexity and construction of the farm site are significantly reduced. Operation and maintenance (O&M) costs Operation and maintenance (O&M) costs vary greatly depending on the turbine's age, location, and O&M strategy. the average O&M cost for a wind turbine during the first ten years of operation is between $42,000 and $48,000/MW. This total number rises as the turbine ages, which makes sense given the inevitable wear and tear. How much money does a wind turbine produce? A turbine rated for 2.5 MW will produce 2.5 MW of power at maximum wind speed. However, the wind is never constant, thus affecting the wind turbine spin speed. Because the wind dies down, changes direction, and so on, overall averages will be much lower How long will it take for your investment in wind turbines to pay off? Assume your turbines are running at 50% capacity on average. You would repay your investment in the following time frame: 1 Megawatt Turbine: 14 Years 2.5 Megawatt Turbine: 11.8 Years 4 Megawatt Turbine: 11.4 Years (容量が大きいことは価格が高いこと,よって費用回収時間がそれほと違わないことになる)