To Driver

Take me to [place], please. Khud-nee IL-la [place], min-FAHD-luk.
Where will you park the car ? Ai-na sai-YAH-ra.
Ai-na (where), si-YAH-ra (car)
It takes about 30 minutes. Ta-ra-TEEN sah-yi-ah
or Bahd noss sah-yi-ah
sah-yi-ah (minutes)
Let's go back to the office. Ai-z az-HAB IL-la il-MAK-tab.
Ai-z (I want)
I don't know.
Ask to Mr. [name], please.
A-nah mish AH-rif.
is-AL es-Sai-yed [name], min-FAHD-luk.
is-AL (ask)