Up easy_distance_sensor.py 作成: 2021-04-11
更新: 2021-04-11

# https://www.dexterindustries.com # # Copyright (c) 2018 Dexter Industries # Released under the MIT license (http://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/). # For more information see https://github.com/DexterInd/DI_Sensors/blob/master/LICENSE.md # from di_sensors.easy_mutex import ifMutexAcquire, ifMutexRelease import time from di_sensors import distance_sensor class EasyDistanceSensor(distance_sensor.DistanceSensor): """ Class for the `Distance Sensor`_ device. This class compared to :py:class:`~di_sensors.distance_sensor.DistanceSensor` uses mutexes that allows a given object to be accessed simultaneously from multiple threads/processes. Apart from this difference, there may also be functions that are more user-friendly than the latter. """ def __init__(self, port="I2C", use_mutex=False): """ Creates a :py:class:`~easygopigo3.EasyDistanceSensor` object which can be used for interfacing with a `distance sensor`_. :param string bus = ``"I2C"``: the bus for the sensor. For the GoPiGo3, options also include ``"GPG3_AD1"`` and ``"GPG3_AD2"``. :param bool use_mutex = False: When using multiple threads/processes that access the same resource/device, mutexes should be enabled. Check the :ref:`hardware specs <hardware-interface-section>` for more information about the ports. :raises ~exceptions.OSError: When the distance sensor is not connected to the designated bus/port, where in this case it must be ``"I2C"``. Most probably, this means the distance sensor is not connected at all. To see where the ports are located on the `GoPiGo3`_ robot, please take a look at the following diagram: :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. """ self.descriptor = "Distance Sensor" self.use_mutex = use_mutex # let's be kind to the user who may get confused between ports and buses # let's allow for all of them possible_ports = { "I2C" : "RPI_1SW", "AD1" : "GPG3_AD1", "AD2" : "GPG3_AD2", "RPI_1SW": "RPI_1SW", "RPI_1" : "RPI_1", "RPI_1HW" : "RPI_1", # doesn't really exist but can be a reflex for some users as we do have RPI_1SW "GPG3_AD1": "GPG3_AD1", "GPG3_AD2": "GPG3_AD2"} port = port.upper() # force to uppercase # switch quietly to default value if we receive gibberish if port in possible_ports.keys(): bus = possible_ports[port] else: bus = "RPI_1SW" ifMutexAcquire(self.use_mutex) try: distance_sensor.DistanceSensor.__init__(self, bus=bus) except Exception as e: # remove print so that it doesn't show when starting Scratch # print("Distance Sensor init: {}".format(e)) raise finally: ifMutexRelease(self.use_mutex) # Returns the values in cms def read_mm(self): """ Reads the distance in millimeters. :returns: Distance from target in millimeters. :rtype: int .. note:: 1. Sensor's range is **5-2300** millimeters. 2. When the values are out of the range, it returns **3000**. """ # 8190 is what the sensor sends when it's out of range # we're just setting a default value mm = 8190 readings = [] attempt = 0 # try 3 times to have a reading that is # smaller than 8m or bigger than 5 mm. # if sensor insists on that value, then pass it on while (mm > 8000 or mm < 5) and attempt < 3: ifMutexAcquire(self.use_mutex) try: mm = self.read_range_single() except Exception as e: print(e) mm = 0 finally: ifMutexRelease(self.use_mutex) attempt = attempt + 1 time.sleep(0.001) # add the reading to our last 3 readings # a 0 value is possible when sensor is not found if (mm < 8000 and mm > 5) or mm == 0: readings.append(mm) if len(readings) > 3: readings.pop(0) # calculate an average and limit it to 5 > X > 3000 if len(readings) > 1: # avoid division by 0 mm = round(sum(readings) / float(len(readings))) if mm > 3000: mm = 3000 return mm def read(self): """ Reads the distance in centimeters. :returns: Distance from target in centimeters. :rtype: int .. note:: 1. Sensor's range is **0-230** centimeters. 2. When the values are out of the range, it returns **300**. """ cm = self.read_mm()//10 return (cm) def read_inches(self): """ Reads the distance in inches. :returns: Distance from target in inches. :rtype: float with one decimal .. note:: 1. Sensor's range is **0-90** inches. 2. Anything that's bigger than **90** inches is returned when the sensor can't detect any target/surface. """ cm = self.read() return round(cm / 2.54, 1)