Up 作成: 2022-09-11
更新: 2022-09-11

      Hartmann (2016), §5.4
    When air comes into contact with a cold surface, usually on relatively clear nights, water vapor may condense directly onto the surface and form dew.
    Vapor flux from the soil may also be an important contributor to the accumulation of dew, especially at night when the underlying soil may be warmer than the surface.
    Dewfall is a significant contributor to the surface water balances in some arid climates, but is generally small and lumped together with the precipitation.
    Fog droplets that are too small to precipitate can be collected from the air by the leaves or needles of plants.
    In some climates such “combing” of liquid water from the air is an important mechanism whereby plants obtain moisture.

  • 引用/参考文献
    • Hartmann, D.L. (2016) : Global Physical Climatology (Sec. Ed.). Elsevier.