- What is subjected is a form.
- A form is a way of making things.
- Forms are fictions we made.
- A fiction is introduced for the purpose of making the reality logical.
- Fictions are artificially introduced in order that we become able to judge right/wrong in the world where the right/wrong is not present.
- There is no right/wrong in our making a fiction, or applying a fiction. But, once we enter a fiction, right/wrong is definitely determined.
- The connection of a real and a fiction is arbitrary.
- In practical, the arbitrariness of making/applying a fiction toward a real, and the arbitrariness of realizing a fiction to a real, is restricted in the form of manner.
- Teaching a subject (that is, teaching a form = teaching a fiction) is of two aspects :
- Teaching a fiction, in the sense of teaching a tool.
A fiction (logical system) is taught as a tool by which we explain a real as a logical entity.
- Teaching a manner, in the sense of teaching a way of using a tool.
- Each subject-education consists of :
- "Showing form/logic"
Here, form/logic is a tool by which we explain a real as a logical entity.
- "Showing ways of using form/logic"