Japanese Logical System as "Dicision-Making" System  

Fictions are introduced, as a logical system, for the purpose of making a world logical.
    By introducing a logical system, we become able to say "true/false", "right/wrong", "good/bad" in a real world, which is by itself transcendent from "true/false", "right/wrong", "good/bad".

  • A fiction is what we artificially make for the purpose of making a world (a being/matter) logical.

    • Introducing a fiction is introducing a logical system.
    • A fiction is required because the world is not logical by itself.
    • "Logical" means "computable", in a broad sense.

  • The significance of logical system":

    • Rule under which we compete
        We compete under a rule to decide who is "right/good/superior".

  • We apply a fiction to a real, create a fiction, in various situation, and by various reason.