Various applications of "Internet communication" have been developed. And they are abound in varieties.
The competition among companies brought this variety. Indeed, each company have been trying to discriminate itself from others by adding new functions to its products.
The fundamental structure of "Internet communication" is unique, though there are following types of "Internet communication" :
e-mail, homepage, bulletin board, conference room, internet phone, broadcast
This structure is as follows :
Various types of communication are brought from this structure, being added a variety of attributes as follows:
whether "Putter" is fixed, or there is a role-change among "Putter" and "Getter"
whether "Put" and "Get" is realtime, or not
(By the way, the difference between "realtime" and "not realtime" is not essential. Here are only differences of degree of time-lag. )
n = 1 or n 1
Indeed, by applying these attributes to the fundamental structure of "Internet communication", we get the following types of communication :