Scheme and Solution for the Organization Design
Which the Meaning of 'Indivisuals Diversity' to Organizational Well-Being Implies
Created : 2004-12-27
Updated: 2005-07-31

International Design Congress \ IASDR 2005, Taiwan, 2005/11/1-4


  1. Introduction

  2. Research scheme/strategy

  3. Organization Design - Individuals Diversity
    1. Meaning of Design Action : Shift of the Present/Given
    2. Elements of Organization Shift
      1. Objective : Organizational Well-being (Organization Development)
      2. Moment : Diversity of Individuals
    3. Policy of Organization Development
      1. Democracy/Pragmatism
      2. Importance of Education
    4. Course Design

  4. Case of Course/Class Design at University
    Practical Research : Developing Teacher Training Course by Organization Design Strategy
    1. Stance toward Course/Class Design
    2. Situations individutals diversity becomes evident
    3. Course/class design
      1. Diversity-oriented
      2. Web-based working space for students
      3. Task-achievement style of learning
      4. Achievement presentation
      5. Evaluaton of students' achievements
    4. Evaluation of course/class design

  5. Discussion
    1. Meaning of Organization Design
    2. Need of 'Design Science/Engineering'
    3. Measure/Solution for Organization Design
    4. Evalutaion of Organization Design

  6. Conclusion

  7. References